Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Institute of Geography and Regional Development

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environmental Management
Prezentacja graficzna

Institute of Geography

and Regional Development


pl. Uniwersytecki 1,

50-137 Wrocław


tel. +48 71 375 22 44

fax. +48 71 343 51 84




  • Library of the Institute of Geography and Regional Development (IGRR Library) - order slip
  • Library of the Department of Climatology and Atmosphere Protection (ZKOA Library) - order slip
  • Cartographic Collections


Rules of safe behavior in IGRR libraries:


Due to the epidemic risk related to SARS CoV-2, caring for the safety of users and library staff, please keep extreme caution and the following rules:

  1. The number of users who can enter the library at the same time:
    •  IGRR Library - 5 users,
    •  ZKOA Library - 2 users,
    •  Cartographic Collections PHK ZGK - 2 users.
  2. Disinfecting hands and using protective masks (gloves are also recommended).
  3. Keeping a minimum distance of 1,5 m from other users.
  4. Minimizing the use of the Reading Room.
  5. Compliance with the current instructions/recommendations of the staff.
  6. Healthy people who do not show any symptoms suggesting an infection may stay in
    the Libraries.

Card catalogues and library computers are excluded from use.

We encourage you to use the on-line catalog: https://katalog.bu.uni.wroc.pl,  

cartographic catalog in the GAIKK system https://gaikk.bu.uni.wroc.pl/prod/
to check the availability of copies and to order the library and cartographic sources by
e-mail or phone:

In order to limit the direct contact with the library staff, we recommend that you fill in the order slips in advance and send them by e-mail:

Materials returned to the Libraries are quarantined for 3 days, and after that they can be available again.


Digital versions of some old maps are available:

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